How to study free in Germany 2



Free Study Guide in Germany

Tuition Free Education in Germany for international students

Study in Germany for free?

Costs of Living in Germany for International Students


Tuition Free Education in Germany for international students

There are hundreds of universities in Germany that have free or very low-fee tuition programs available for international students. Whether you want to study Engineering, Medicine, Architecture, or Business, Germany is the place to be.

Choosing Germany as a study abroad destination is the ideal option for many Non European international students. Even without scholarships and financial aid, the cost of studying in Germany is much less than in other countries such as the USA or UK.

Studying in Germany is an excellent opportunity for International students who are looking to work in Europe after their graduation. as Germany offers work permits after graduation to work in Germany.

Takeaway: There are many good reasons to study in Germany because it is free and the education is top quality.

Study in Germany for free?

If you’re looking for affordable education, and affordable living, Germany is a great place to study. The tuition is free, the schools are high quality, and life in Germany is safe and comfortable. All this, plus the low cost of living, makes Germany one of the best places for studying abroad.


Costs of Living in Germany for International Students

If you’re looking for affordable education, and affordable living, Germany is a great place to study. The tuition is free, the schools are high quality, and life in Germany is safe and comfortable. All this, plus the low cost of living, makes Germany one of the best places for studying abroad.

Here is the introduction of The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg offers a tuition free program for international students. Students do not pay any tuition fee as long as they meet the eligibility criteria. As an incentive, families with two or more children studying at the same institution in Germany can receive a payment of up to 150 Euros per child per month. At The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg international students enjoy a tuition-free studying environment. To qualify for this benefit, international students must complete their bachelor’s degree in Germany and each family must have at least one child enrolled at the institution.

As a state-funded university, the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg is well equipped with modern facilities to carry out its goals of providing quality education to its students:

College of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University is a college that offers flexible language and skills courses.

Tuition fees are waived for eligible students and families.

The Relocation Assistants in Bonn and Cologne provide you with the necessary information to organize your move. Their services consist of practical advice and assistance.

General Entry Requirements for German Universities

Entry requirements for most master programs at German universities you must possess a related Bachelor’s degree and background in the field you wish to study.

If you do find a Masters program in Germany that fits your background, the basic requirements for English programs  will be like: 

A Bachelor’s degree and college transcripts 

A high school diploma or certificate of secondary education completion plus transcripts 

Adequate number of required course credits for a specific field of study

English Language proficiency test e.g. IELTS score 6.5 and above or citizenship from a native English speaking country

Professional resume in the German format 

A motivation letter (not always required but recommended)

Application + enrollment fees

German-sized passport photos 

The exact entry requirements depend entirely on the specific university you’re applying to as well as the program. If you come from a country with a vastly different educational system from Germany, you may also need to provide extra documentation or even take a preparatory class.

When it comes time to apply, you’ll need to get notarized or apostilled copies of your original documents, and you may also need to have them officially translated into German. Universities may also ask to see the originals once you arrive in the country – again, it just depends.

The “Tuition” Fees in Germany for International Students

Education in Germany is tuition-free, but there are still necessary costs to keep in mind when applying for a Master’s. Below are the numbers to get an idea of additional required to be paid and will give you an idea to plan your budget accordingly.

P.S.  These figures can vary according to program ,university and city.

  • Application fee: 50 Euros 
  • First-semester enrollment fee: 284.10 Euros + mailing cost for documents
  • Enrollment Fee for Subsequent Semester: ~300 Euros
  • Student Blocked Account: 861 Euros/month, 10,332 euros total, about $12,500 USD
  • Mandatory Health Insurance: 106 Euros/month for under 30 year olds, about 640 Euros yearly
  • Residence Permit: 110 Euros

What is the German blocked account for students?

The significant cost associated with studying abroad in Germany is the blocked account. It’s mandatory for all visiting students to have 10,332 Euros for the school year in a specialized bank account. The money is yours, but it’s in an account that allows only 861 Euros to be taken out each month to cover the estimated cost of living. The German government wants to ensure that students arrive in the country with enough funds to support themselves during their stay. 

Having $12,000+ on hand at one time is a challenge for many people, but there are exemptions and scholarships available. I got my blocked account with Expatrio, but other popular banks include Deutsche Bank and Coracle (or Fintiba if you’re not American).

The top 10 universities in Germany for making the most of your degree


Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Münster School of Business and Economics (Münster University)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

Trier University of Applied Sciences

Allensbach University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz

English-taught Bachelor Degrees at the Hochschule Ruhr West, Mülheim an der Ruhr


In Germany you can get world class in most cases free or cheap university education with great opportunities 


By agabimu

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